Dr. Vipin Kumar
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Use of java.util.function Package

Use of Package java.util.function

This java.util.function package provides standard library-based functional interfaces for common requirements with their corresponding lambda expression, which can be used by the programmer in his code instead of creating brand new functional interfaces.

List of most commonly used Functional Interfaces under this package are:

1. Function

This interface has one function apply (), this function takes one input parameter as T and return value as R after performing some kind of operation on the input parameter.

Structure of Function interface:


public interface Function <T, R> {

R apply (T t);


This T and R may have any type of value like Integer, Float, Double, String, etc.

Let’s understand the use of it by given example:

import java.util.function.Function;

public class Main {

public static void main (String args[])


// Function which takes in a number and returns half of it

Function<Integer, Double> half = a -> a / 2.0;

// apply the function to get the result


//One more use of it, to get square of an integer

Function<Integer, Integer> square= num1-> num1*num1;

System.out.println(“Square of number is =” +square.apply(4));



2. BiFunction

This interface also has one function apply (), this function takes two input parameters as T and U and returns a value as R after performing some kind of operation on given input parameters.

Structure of BiFunction interface:


public interface BiFunction <T, U, R> {

R apply (T t, U u);


This T, U, and R may have any type of value like Integer, Float, Double, String, etc.

Let’s understand the use of it by given example:

import java.util.function.BiFunction;

public class Main {

public static void main (String args[])


// This function takes two numbers and returns sum of these two number

BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> sum = (Integer num1, Integer num2) -> num1+num2;

// apply the function to get the result

System.out.println(“Sum of two number is =” +sum.apply(10,50));



3. UnaryOperator

This interface also has one function apply(), this function takes one input parameter and returns a value of the same input type after performing some kind of operation on the given input parameter.

Structure of Function interface:


public interface UnaryOperator <T> {

T apply (T t);


This T may have any type of value like Integer, Float, Double, String, etc.

Let’s understand the use of it by a given example:

import java.util.function.*;

public class Main {

public static void main (String args[])


//This take one integer parameter and return square of an integer

UnaryOperator<Integer> square= num1-> num1*num1;

System.out.println(“Square of number is =” +square.apply(4));



4. Consumer

This interface has one function accept (), this function only takes one input parameter, but does not return any value.

Structure of Function interface:


public interface Consumer <T> {

void accept (T t);


This T may have any type of value like Integer, Float, Double, String, etc.

Let’s understand the use of it by a given example:

import java.util.function.*;

public class Main {

public static void main (String args[])


// Function which takes in a number and returns half of it

Consumer<Integer> square = num1 -> {

System.out.println(“Square of number is =” +(num1*num1));


// accept function to get the result




5. BiConsumer

This interface has one function accept(), this function takes two input values for performing some operations and does not return any value.

Structure of Function interface:


public interface BiConsumer <T, R> {

void accept (T t, R r);


This T and R may have any type of value like Integer, Float, Double, String, etc.

Let’s understand the use of it by a given example:

import java.util.function.*;

public class Main {

public static void main (String args [])


// This function takes two input value and does not return any value

BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> sum = (Integer num1, Integer num2) -> {

System.out.println(“Sum of two number are =” +(num1+num2));


//accept function to get the result




6. Supplier

This interface has one function get(), this function does not take any parameter, but return value after performing a given task of the function.

Structure of Function interface:


public interface Supplier<T> {

T get ();


This T may have any type of value like Integer, Float, Double, String, etc.

Let’s understand the use of it by a given example:

import java.util.function.*;

public class Main {

public static void main (String args [])


// This function does not take any input value, but return value

Supplier<String> s1 = () -> {

System.out.println(“Enter your name=>”);

Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in);

String name=scan.nextLine();

return name;


//get function to get the result

System.out.println(“Your name is =” +s1.get());





Dr. Vipin Kumar

Assoc. Prof. , DCA & Assoc. Head (SD), SDFS, at KIET, PhD (CS) My YouTube Channel: Dr. Vipin Classes (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-77P2ONqHrW7h5r6MAqgSQ)